Tuesday, July 21, 2015


1 comment:

  1. I hope this selection of Greek images will make you all feel as if you just took a quick trip to my country. 

    Summary descriptive information has been included to most Greek images

    This large Greek Album cover image depicts a Greek soldier resting his head on the statute of Sparta's King Leonidas. He may very well have had an emotional binding moment with King Leonidas who was the hero of the Thermopylae battle of the 300 and also used the famous words to his enemies who outnumbered him and wanted to invade his land:  "MOLON LAVE" which means "COME AND GET IT"

    In remembrance of King Leonidas' words, only because I had been all alone and outnumbered by my enemies, I also used these same words to the Queens District attorney's office a few years ago when they thought they had the perfect framing job on me at the time...much like they still do

    I told them "MOLON LAVE ME" ... which means "COME AND GET ME"

    They are still huffing and puffing but they are always getting nothing
